The Steamship Rotterdam Foundation / Friends of steamship Rotterdam is very grateful for the support by several organizations and persons:
WestCord Hotels supplies us with room for our activities on board and pays for the costs of the materials we use. In 2016 WestCord Hotels paid for the remake of four builder’s plates of Werkspoor in the generator room.
Mondriaan Fonds supported financially for the making of an art-managemant plan.
Datema Amsterdam donated us a flag en some charts.
OnBoardOnShore, the former catering company on board, donated us a showcase near the Ambassador Room.
RaetsMarine Insurance B.V. paid for the remake of the two builder’s plates of the Rotterdam Drydock Company. Both plates have been replaced on the sport decks in 2012.
The Stichting Ondersteuningsfonds Nationaal Instituut voor Scheepvaart en Scheepsbouw contributed to the renovation of the ship’s horn and the remake of two bronze reliëfs of the artist Peter Roovers. The Roovers family cooperated disinterested by supplying the two originals moulds of the reliëfs.
Mr. Jaap Danhof contributed for the making of this website and for the duplicating of a builder’s plate of De Schelde. Leo Knape donated us the duplicating of one of the builder’s plates in the engine room.
The Guggenheim brothers donated us two showcases.
Shiprepair company Balck B.V. supplied us with free materials for the airscoops on the forward deck and quoits on the sports deck. Hoistingcompany De Gier B.V. hoisted the airscoops for us.
Jac Barzilay B.V. suplied us with free materials to rig the derricks.
Strik Stoomketelverhuur N.V. donated us the third airscoop on the forward deck.
Observator Watersport (Noordereiland Rotterdam) donated us a chronometer.
Fonds De Ziekenfondsbode supplied us with the money to buy a new LED-presentation screen in our museum on Bridgedeck.
PPG Industries supported the rebuilding of the artwork in the Tropic bar by the analysis of the colors and by coating the doors of the closets.
Steamship Rotterdam Foundation is looking for sponsors for a variety of projects. For more information please contact us via