Bridge and Sun Deck
Designed by Mutero NV Interieurarchitecten, Rotterdam, architect J. Schuil
Executor: NV Nederlandse Aanneming Mij, v.h. Firma H.F. Boersma, Den Haag
The Skyroom during the sixties. Picture Harry Mosch, courtesy Mrs. Thea Mosch-Luckerath
The Sky Room on Bridge Deck is the highest-placed public room on the ship and was originally assigned to first class passengers. The room is connected to the lower decks by two elevators and a secondary stairway. Broad window-walls fore and aft give sweeping views of the first class sports deck forward and an open promenade aft.
The Skyroom in 1996 with the artwork Sunship. Picture Klaas Krijnen
The Sunship after restoration by our volunteers in 2022. Picture Klaas Krijnen
A portion of the walls are paneled with deal (pine) strips, the remainder being covered with Vynide, the trade name for a synthetic material developed by ICI. The original rattan chairs were replaced by arm chairs upholstered with old-rose material. The dance floor was renovated in 1989. The wall decoration “Het Zonneschip” (The Sun Ship) was crafted by the Rotterdam artist W. J. Akkermans.
The original wall panelling has not been replaced Picture Klaas Krijnen (1996)
Sun Room
Designed by Mutero NV Interieurarchitecten, Rotterdam, architect J. Schuil
Executor: NV Nederlandse Aanneming Mij, v.h. Firma H.F. Boersma, Den Haag
The Sun Room on Sun Deck was intented for use by tourist class passengers. They could reach the room by three elevators and a half circular stairway. Adjacent to the room was the sports deck. Through the years Holland America Line changed the use of the room to children’s play room, excursion office and spa. Nowadays the room has a multipurpose function. The original interior has been scrapped completely.
The original Sun Room in a brochure of Holland America Line (about 1960)
The Sun Room in 2004 as a Spa (pictures Klaas Krijnen)
Officers messroom
Officers had their messroom on Sun Deck, probably designed by mr. C.J. Engelen.
The original messroom in 1959 (pictures collection Rob Lampen)
After some years a bar has been built, called De Meerpaal (Mooring Pile). On the picture the first edition in 1972 (picture by Roel Valbracht). Later a second edition has been built (picture taken in 2004). Nowadays the room is called Seychellen and used for meetings.
The present situation: meeting room Seychellen (picture taken by Maarten Krijnen)
The artwork Theseus and Minotaurus has found a new place in the Executive lounge on Sun Deck. Picture Klaas Krijnen
Next to the artwork a showcase has been placed with the original bell from the officers bar De Meerpaal. The bell has been donated to us by captain Bas van Dreumel. Picture Klaas Krijnen